GlimpsE of Activities : Picture gallery

Child Development Activities

As Schools are not to just educate a child, at schools kids learn to develop their skills. at CSCBV, we encourage every child to participate in all the activities conducted for them. Kids perform in skits, do AR (Augmented Reality) based activities, play with gadgets to learn more and more.

Creative workshops

Kids learn by creating different shape and objects using clay, sand, papers etc. Under the expert supervision they actually do a discovery based learning. The applications created by IIT Delhi is mainly used in the classes to show them AR objects among them.

Reading & writing lessons

Reading improves the concentration and communication of a child. Regular Reading activities makes kids start reading fast which improves their grasping power. Writing is  ancient method to remember the things, when we write something, their are more possibilities to remember what we wrote. CSCBVs develop the habit of writing in every child. 

Morning workouts

Its a daily routine before the prayer starts at CSCBVs. Kids gather in the lobby and physical trainer guides and help them to do little exercise and yoga. Kids enjoy the time of exercise as they feel refreshed and energetic in the morning itself.

Free play time

Play time a much awaited time for kids to take break from educational activities. They play indoor games, take slides, swings and much more. They spend time with fellow classmates and learn so much from each other. Small kids of age less than 3 years usually develop their skills of being good with others from school only, such play time helps kids to develop their overall skills.

Drama games

Story telling and drama playing helps kids to develop their interpersonal skills. We make kids learn to act as some character and then they take part in a drama. Kids also take part in celebrations of Indian festivals like Janmashthmi, holi, diwali, guru purab, christmas, independence day, re-public day, lohri, vaishaki and many more. These celebrations make kids learn the value of Indian tradition.